In May, 2023, Dr. Boles and his research group published a scientific paper on the results of 50 people who had either whole exome or whole genome sequencing. About 30 genes were identified that are highly likely or likely to be risk factors for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. The vast majority of these genes involved cation (positively charge salts) channels or mitochondria (energy metabolism), suggesting that disease results from a vicious cycle of cellular over-excitation. Dr. Boles will discuss how genetic information can help find an individual’s genetic predisposition towards cyclic vomiting, and how that translates to treatment options, including those treatments generally not considered in CVS. Lastly, he will briefly discuss 18 chronic fatigueThe overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy. It is not the same as simply feeling drowsy or sleepy. Being fatigued means having no motivation or energy. patients with extensive DNA sequencing.